May 14, 2024

Kim Tradewell


Revolutionizing Systems and Operations

Insights from Online Business Manager Zhara-Marie

Online Creator Podcast | Episode 075

Hey there entrepreneurs and CEO’s! Welcome to the Online Creator podcast. I’m your host, Kim Tradewell and my mission is to amplify voices, share wisdom and knowledge from innovators and leaders in this online space. My wish is for you to leave each episode with the right mix of clarity, community and inspiration to encourage growth and to find your confidence to open the door to endless possibilities in business and life.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of small business marketing, staying ahead of the curve is not just advantageous—it’s essential. This insight comes to the forefront in our latest podcast episode featuring Zhara-Marie, a former lawyer turned online business manager and operational strategist. She shares a wealth of knowledge about how small businesses can enhance their operations and marketing strategies to achieve significant growth and sustainability.

From Law to Leadership: Zhara-Marie’s Journey

Zhara-Marie’s career journey is nothing short of inspiring. Initially training as a lawyer in the Caribbean, she soon realized that her passion lay not within the traditional legal practices but in the dynamic world of online business management. This pivot led her to harness her analytical skills and legal knowledge to serve law firms and creative entrepreneurs through tailored business solutions.

Mastering Marketing Operations

As an online business manager, Zhara-Marie emphasizes the importance of systems and operational excellence in marketing. “Understanding the nuts and bolts of your operations can significantly enhance your marketing efforts,” she states. For small businesses, this means not just knowing what to market but understanding the how—how to streamline processes, how to automate routine tasks, and how to manage projects efficiently to free up time for strategic thinking and execution.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs

One size does not fit all when it comes to business marketing strategies. Zhara-Marie discusses how she adapts her approach to meet the specific needs of her clients, whether they’re virtual law firms requiring a deep understanding of legal jargon or creative agencies looking for innovative marketing tactics. “Every business is different, and recognizing that is key to creating effective marketing strategies,” she explains.

Automating for Efficiency

In our digital age, automation is a game-changer for small businesses. Zhara-Marie highlights the role of automation in business operations and marketing, explaining how it can lead to significant efficiency improvements. “Automation allows you to focus on what really matters—growing your business and building relationships with your customers,” she notes. By automating repetitive tasks, businesses can ensure consistency in their operations while dedicating more resources to creative and strategic endeavors.

Building Strong Customer Relationships

At the heart of successful marketing lies strong customer relationships. Zhara-Marie shares practical tips on how small businesses can build and maintain these relationships. “It’s about more than just transactions; it’s about creating experiences that resonate with your customers,” she says. Personalized interactions, understanding customer needs, and responding to feedback promptly are all part of this critical process.

Leveraging Community Networking

Community networking is another area where Zhara-Marie sees significant potential for small business growth. “Connecting with other local businesses and participating in community events can dramatically increase your visibility and deepen your roots in the local market,” she advises. For small businesses, these connections can lead to collaborative opportunities, shared resources, and increased local support.

The Future of Small Business Marketing

Looking ahead, Zhara-Marie is optimistic about the integration of new technologies and strategies in small business marketing. She predicts that the continued evolution of social media, along with advancements in data analytics and customer relationship management tools, will open new avenues for personalized and effective marketing.

Zhara-Marie’s insights provide a roadmap for small businesses striving to navigate the complex terrain of marketing in today’s competitive environment. With a focus on operational efficiency, tailored strategies, and strong customer relationships, her advice is invaluable for any business owner looking to enhance their marketing efficacy and propel their business to new heights.

This is a conversational-style podcast filled with genuine advice, actional tips and strategies to help you be seen and heard in your industry. Check out more episodes here Online Creator Podcast.

Enjoy the conversation!

Links mentioned in this episode:

  • Visit Zhara’s Website: LINK
  • Say hello over on Instagram: LINK


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Music created by ES_Ease With the Breeze and ES_A Mistake (Instrumental Version) – Particle House

The Creative Director behind May and James Co.  I am excited to connect with you! 

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